By Jen Curt, CTIPP's Director of Government Affairs
Back to School! Help Educate Policymakers on Trauma-Informed Schools
CTIPP just published a new report that breaks down the benefits and practices of trauma-informed schools.
This streamlined report was created to educate policymakers, advocates, and agency staff across the country, as a high level overview about trauma-informed practices in schools. Rather than an implementation guide, this report was developed to serve as a resource to promote improved education practices.
The report includes the following sections:
Foreword by Jim Sporleder, Former Principal, Lincoln High School
How does trauma show up in the classroom?
Why the status quo isn’t working
The benefits of trauma-informed schools
Elements of a trauma-informed transformation (curriculum, policies, practices)
Real world examples of trauma-informed education practices working
TAKE ACTION: We created this Trauma-Informed Schools toolkit with a sample outreach email and social media posts. Make sure your Congressional Representative have read the report and are ready to take action.
Last week, Members of Congress returned to Washington, D.C. after August recess. With just seven weeks until the midterm elections and several key deadlines approaching, lawmakers are entering their final busy season of the 117th Congress.
Funding Cliff Approaches
Funding for the government ends on Friday, September 30th and Congress must act to avoid a government shutdown. Both the U.S. House of Representatives (bill text) and U.S. Senate Appropriations Committees (bill text) have unveiled the majority’s draft FY23 Appropriations bills but neither Chamber has passed their drafts, a process that usually precedes a conference of the two versions and final compromise.
Given the status of the process, Congress is likely to pass a continuing resolution (CR). Instead of passing legislation with new funding levels, a CR extends the FY22 omnibus appropriations bill to a new deadline, maintaining the same funding levels as were passed in the previous fiscal year.
A deal on the CR has yet to be reached. While appropriations leaders are looking to pass a CR that will last until mid-December, they have yet to settle on an exact date and need to agree on what, if any, policies to include in the must-pass legislation.
Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is pushing to include in the CR a provision to streamline the permitting process for energy projects, though the provision is opposed by both Republicans and House progressives. The Biden administration is also urging Congress to include $47 billion in relief assistance for COVID-19, monkeypox, Ukraine, and disaster-stricken areas, including Kentucky, California, Louisiana, and Texas. Meanwhile, a bipartisan group of House lawmakers is asking appropriators to include a renewal of waivers that provide free school breakfasts and lunches to students from low-income families.
TAKE ACTION: Advocates should call their Member of Congress and urge them to pass a CR as soon as possible to avoid a government shutdown! Dial (202) 224-3121 to reach your Members of Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.
Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Expires in NINE Days
The Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program has been shown to help parents break the cycles of trauma and poverty by providing support and teaching skills needed to achieve financial stability and to help raise healthy, happy, thriving children.
The program reduces maternal mortality and preterm birth, as well as child and family-serving system involvement and the need for Child Protective Services (CPS). Children whose families participate in these programs often enter school more ready to learn.
MIECHV funding ends on September 30th. Without reauthorizing the program, tens of thousands of families will lose access to these essential programs.
The House Ways and Means Committee has introduced a bipartisan reauthorization bill for the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program, entitled the Jackie Walorski Maternal and Child Home Visiting Reauthorization Act of 2022.
The bill has an impressive 50 initial cosponsors. Here are links to the press release and summary of the legislation. The committee will hold a markup of the legislation Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 10:00am ET.
TAKE ACTION: CLICK HERE to Urge Congress to Re-Authorize MIECHV! Sign your name to tell your federal legislator how important it is that we invest in children, families, and the prevention of the cycle of abuse, trauma, and poverty.