(Last updated November 2022)
Incarcerated Mothers of Minor Children: Physical Health, Substance Use, and Mental Health Needs (Women & Criminal Justice Journal)
The Persistent Impact of Childhood Trauma: Current Mental Health Challenges Faced by Women in Jail (Corrections Journal)
Steps to End Prisons & Policing: A Mixtape on Transformative Justice (Just Pracitce)
Chief Justice's Task Force on ACEs-Informed Courts (North Carolina Courts)
Baby courts: A proven approach to stop the multigenerational transmission of ACEs in child welfare; new efforts to establish courts nationwide (PACEs Connection)
PACEs in the Criminal Justice System (PACEs Connection)
Ben David Presents: The Starfish Model for ACEs (North Carolina Courts)
TEDx Airlie: Fixing the Bridge: Treating the Root Causes of Crime (Ben David)
Step Inside The Circle (The Compassion Prison Project)
The Correlation Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Recidivism: Trauma-Induced Recidivism (Debra S. Mason)
Handle With Care (West Virginia Center for Children's Justice)
North Carolina launches first-in-the-nation statewide task force on ACEs-informed courts (PACEs Connection)
District Attorney Ben David and Chief District Judge Jay Corpening on Juvenile Justice (PACEs Connection)