(Last updated November 2022)
Public Narrative, Collective Action, and Power (Marshall Ganz)
Public Narrative Planning Sheet (CTIPP)
Trauma-Informed Leadership Course II with Thomas Huebel & Team
The Spectrum of Prevention (Prevention Institute)
Leading Social Transformation: A Case Study Update on Advancing the Common Good (PopHLC)
Building Co-Regulation Capacity to Support Positive Development for Youth with Foster Care Experience (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
Youth Thrive: Opportunities into Action (Center for the Study of Social Policy)
Human Centered Innovation for Intergenerational Impact (itotheN)
Prop 64 Roadmap (Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative)
Social Equity in New Jersey Demands Appropriate use of the ACE Study (NJ ACEs Collaborative)
NJ ACEs Collaborative ACEs Screening Position (PACES Connection)