(Last updated November 2022)
Identifying, Preventing, and Treating Childhood Trauma: Pervasive Public Health Issue that Needs Greater Federal Attention (U.S. House Oversight)
Heidi Daniel, Pratt Public Library CEO, says librarians need to understand PACEs science (PACEs Connection)
No Hit Zones: working to end violence against children in spaces where it occurs (End Corporal Punishment)
Brain Development in the Early Years & the Opportunity to Shape Our World View (Wave Trust)
The Persistent Impact of Childhood Trauma: Current Mental Health Challenges Faced by Women in Jail (Corrections)
Trauma-Informed Care in Pediatrics: A Developmental Perspective in Twelve Cases with Narratives (Permanente Journal)
Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina: Connection Matters Congregation
PACEs Science 101 (FAQs) – Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACEs Connection)
Chief Justice's Task Force on ACEs-Informed Courts (North Carolina)
Baby courts: A proven approach to stop the multigenerational transmission of ACEs in child welfare; new efforts to establish courts nationwide (PACEs Connection)
The Starfish Model for ACEs (Ben David)
Step Inside The Circle (The Compassion Prison Project)
The Correlation Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Recidivism: Trauma-Induced Recidivism
North Carolina launches first-in-the-nation statewide task force on ACEs-informed courts (PACEs Connection)
Adverse Childhood Experiences: What Students and Health professionals Need to Know by Roberta Waite and Ruth Ann Ryan
Spreading HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences)
Personal stories from witnesses, U.S. representatives provided an emotional wallop to House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on childhood trauma (PACEs Connection)
The ACEs & Resilience Resource Commons for Communities (ARRCC)
Taming the Dragon (PACEs Connection)
Poor Individual Risk Classification from Adverse Childhood Experiences Screening
Beyond the ACE Score: Perspectives from the NCTSN on Child Trauma and Adversity Screening and Impact
Childhood adversity screenings are just one part of an effective policy response to childhood trauma (Child Trends)