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Police Reform & Trauma-Informed Care (CTIPP CAN October 2020)

Police Reform and Trauma-Informed Care with Becky Haas, Chief Christopher Leusner, and Chief David Roddy

SUMMARY: The October 2020 CTIPP Can call focused on the trauma-informed movement's role in police reform. We heard from trainers involved with CTIPP and who have assisted police departments implement trauma-informed practices - Becky Haas, Marsha Morgan, and Meagan Corrado - as well as Police Chiefs Leusner (NJ) and Roddy (TN) who have implemented trauma-informed practices in their own districts.

In addition to discussions around law enforcement, members of the National Trauma Campaign discussed progress in Congress. Jeff Hild, Policy Director at the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University and the Policy Chair for the National Trauma Campaign, described the STRONG Support for Children Act led by Congresswomen Ayanna Pressley and Carolyn Maloney.

5:52 Policy Updates

15:11 Becky Haas

28:58 Chattanooga Police Department

29:38 Community and Police Response to Victims of Violence (CPRVV)

31:33 Education Through Raindrops

39:45 Missouri - Building Resilience

46:26 Middle Township, NJ Police Department

47:25 21st Century Policing

50:04 Training

55:28 Policies

56:44 Handle With Care

57:58 Building Connections With Kids

58:26 School Based Programs

59:03 Police Youth Camp

1:00:50 Police Officer Trading Card Program

1:01:16 E-Gaming and Cops

1:01:30 Paws on Patrol

1:02:37 Why This Should Be Our #1 Priority

1:05:15 City of Philadelphia

1:18:59 Intervening With Justice Involved Youth

1:19:11 Training Modules

1:23:05 JAC Trauma-Informed Principles

1:26:31 Q&A/Discussion


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