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North Carolina's (Trauma-Informed) Theory of Change Model (CTIPP CAN March 2022)

In North Carolina and across the country momentum for building trauma-informed systems that strengthen resilience across the lifespan continues to grow. Given this momentum, an important next step is to consider how strategic alignment of current efforts could maximize collective impact and build an intentional and coordinated way of working together across sectors and across the lifespan to build community resilience.

Supported by the Winer Family Foundation, Resilient NC scanned the work of agencies and organizations locally and across the country, interviewing over 40 key leaders. Information about initiatives and state efforts were gathered, with a focus on what has worked and lessons learned. Using that data, Resilient NC developed a set of eight initial strategies as key to developing a coordinated approach to building statewide resilience. These strategies are intended to be planned and executed across systems and across the lifespan using a science based, trauma-responsive, and equity focused approach.

The NC Healthy & Resilient Communities Initiative (NCHRCI), housed at the NC Partnership for Children and funded by Kate B. Reynolds Foundation, serves to support and learn from the approximately 50 local resilience coalitions across the state. They are forming meaningful connections with one another to share what’s working (and just as importantly, what’s not.) Their work is guided by a State Advisory Council and Community Advisory Council, and they seek feedback monthly from their Peer Connection group to ensure that what is being provided is truly what is needed on the ground. They will share the Theory of Change Model created by the NCHRCI that has been shared with local coalitions to guide their work and to align the diverse community efforts ongoing across the state.

Liz Winer from the Winer Family Foundation discussed the investment they've made in this work in North Carolina and nationally.

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