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Developing SMARTIE Goals

By Whitney Marris, CTIPP's Director of Practice and System Transformation

What are SMARTIE goals?

The S stands for specific, which captures the who, what, where, when, why, and how for your proposed solution.

The M is for measurable, which invites you to consider how will you know when you have reached your goals.

The A stands for achievable, which encourages you to anchor yourself in a realistic sense of hope by asking yourself what is possible.

The R is for relevant, which asks the question: how does this goal address the real issue, including the stuff underneath the iceberg?

The T stands for time-bound, which asks you to consider by when the actions needed to achieve your goal has to happen.

The I is for inclusive, which presents an opportunity to consider how you can bring traditionally excluded individuals and groups into processes, activities, decisions and policy making in a way that shares power and honors lived experience.

And the E stands for equitable, which invites you to look at how your goal addresses systemic injustice, inequity, or oppression.

To get started, please watch the Developing an Advocacy Agenda module of our Advocacy Series and download our step-by-step resource:


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