SESSION 2: Organizing and Facilitating a Resilience Coordinating Network (RCN)
Bob Doppelt, ITRC Coordinator
Becky Turner, Director of Community Engagement, Community Resilience Initiative in Walla Walla Washington
Mebane Boyd, Director, North Carolina SmartStart Healthy and Resilient Communities
Forming an initial planning group and expanding to the neighborhood and/or community.
Deciding to help expand an existing coalition or form a new one.
Engaging a wide and diverse network of community members and leaders.
Establishing a mission and vision.
Establishing core operating principles--with emphasis on thinking systemically & holistically.
Deciding on an organizational structure to enable "well-coordinated decentralization."
Choosing funding options.
Finding effective "servant and participatory" leaders and staff.
The important roles of mental health and human services providers.
The role of government agencies in local Resilience Coordinating Networks.