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Climate Community of Practice Resource List

(Last updated November 2022)

  • The National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences Worker Training Program has excellent resources to prep for Responder and Community Resilience following disasters

  • PACEs Connection is a great resource providing information on how to start a PACEs initiative

  • Overview of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study

  • California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare's adult program and kids/teens program

  • Dr. Mark Pettus, Associate Clinical Director for The Center for Mind-Body Medicine's overview of current and past programs. The list is not inclusive, and the new site will have all past communities and partners, including groupings by category, such as natural disasters.

  • Vichi Jagannathan, the Co-founder of the Rural Opportunities Institute:

  • Janina Fisher’s trauma model: TIST, or Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment, was developed to provide a trauma-informed approach to treating self-destructive behavior. Based on theoretical principles drawn from the neuroscience research on trauma and structural dissociation theory, TIST offers a treatment approach that integrates mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, ego state techniques, and Internal Family Systems.

  • Gabor Maté: Published The Myth of Normal, a groundbreaking investigation into the causes of illness, a bracing critique of how our society breeds disease, and a pathway to health and healing. Challenges Western countries’ dependence on healthcare systems.

  • Dan Siegel; The Mindsight Institute: The Mindsight Institute, co-founded by Dr. Daniel Sigel and Caroline Welch, J.D., is an educational organization offering online learning and in-person workshops that focus on how the development of mindsight in individuals, families, and communities can be enhanced by examining the interface of human relationships and basic biological processes.

  • Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer: "Fall all of us, becoming indigenous to a place means living as if your children's future mattered, to take care of the lad as if our life, both material and spiritual, depended on it.” - In a rich braid of reflections that range from the creation of Turtle Island to the forces that threaten its flourishing today, she circles toward a central argument: that the awakening of a wider ecological consciousness requires the acknowledgment and celebration of our reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living world. Only when we can hear the languages of other beings will we be capable of understanding the earth's generosity and learning to give our gifts in return.

  • Climate Trauma: Towards a New Taxonomy of Traumatology: What does it mean to be “human” in the Anthropocene? Climate Trauma provides the missing narrative explaining our dissociated unresponsiveness to the climate crisis. It suggests an alternative approach to effecting fundamental societal change needed to remedy our collective dissociation. The first steps toward effecting this kind of ambitious sociocultural change are naming the disorder and reforming the taxonomy of psychological trauma.

  • Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth: “Helpful in revisioning our economic systems in this way - attention to social and ecological factors.” The Doughnut of social and planetary boundaries is a playfully serious approach to framing how to meet the needs of all. It acts as a compass for human progress this century.

  • Duke Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health Community Group: This center is focused on conducting research, training others to conduct research, and promoting scholarly field-building activities related to religion, spirituality, and health. The Center serves as a clearinghouse for information on this topic and seeks to support and encourage dialogue between researchers, clinicians, theologians, clergy, and others interested in the intersection.

  • 5 Rhythms: “Dancing outdoors during COVID-19 as a healing modality for my community.” 5 Rhythms is a dynamic practice to both work out and meditate in the same breath. Practicing them helps us become attuned to the underlying patterns in our everyday existence.

  • My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies by Resma Menakem: My Grandmother's Hands is a call to action for all of us to recognize that racism is not only about the head but about the body. It introduces an alternative view of what we can do to grow beyond our entrenched racialized divide. It paves the way for a new, body-centered understanding of white supremacy – how it is literally in our blood and our nervous system – and offers a step-by-step healing process based on the latest neuroscience and somatic healing methods, in addition to incisive social commentary.

  • "Learning to be in the world" Dinner&Talk @NAV with Nora Bateson & Daniel Schmachtenberger: Posted on Youtube on October 23, 2022, they discuss how to meet the big problems humanity is facing. "This is a rare opportunity to participate in a conversation between them that reaches into the depth of personal experience on the day-to-day level of growing up and preparing the next generations for a new world. Daniel and Nora were raised in households that approached intergenerational learning unorthodoxly. Both are engaged in how profound shifts happen— and learning to be in this rapidly changing world. What does this mean in terms of parenting? Or caring for the elders? Or learning to live together?"

  • CLIMATE TRAUMA: Towards a New Taxonomy of Traumatology: Climate Trauma provides the missing narrative explaining our dissociated unresponsiveness to the climate crisis. It suggests an alternative approach to effecting the fundamental societal change needed to remedy our collective dissociation. The first steps toward effecting this kind of ambitious sociocultural change are naming the disorder and reforming the taxonomy of psychological trauma.

  • The Transition Network: This guide is about the processes you can use... Transition is about local responses to problems, and it is up to you to decide what to focus your attention on and how to frame Transition for your community.

  • The Lilies Project: A community-led project addressing Coal Ash through arts, parks, community history, advocacy, and creative placemaking in Walnut Cove, NC.

  • Go Deep: Go Deep is a game where participants learn about themselves and their communities. It supports individuals and communities to see themselves differently and discover the inherent resources that may not be obvious.

  • VENSIM: Free feedback mapping tool!

  • Photovoice, emergency management and climate change: a comparative case-study approach: "...photovoice has the potential to solicit poorly understood rural and Indigenous community member perspectives, thereby augmenting locally relevant, place-based information and, ideally, empowering voices that are often under-represented in municipal and provincial decision-making processes.

  • Picturing Resilience Intervention: "The Picturing Resilience Intervention (PRI) is a group intervention designed to promote resilience and coping skills among youth following a disaster, community crisis, or other challenges resulting from the usual stresses of daily life. PRI blends Photovoice, a community participatory action method, with additional skill-building activities to enhance participating youth' problem-solving, coping, and self-expression. PRI participants are provided with cameras and basic photography and camera use instructions. PRI encourages participants to “voice” their experiences and perspectives on issues discussed in group sessions through photography and brief written narratives."

  • Resilience Cloverdale: Daniel shared how Cloverdale, CA, has honed the strengths of its rural community to foster community resilience through a "massive COAD." While Resilient Cloverdale is still developing its website, Daniel suggested checking out CloveReady, a website dedicated to disaster preparedness for its community.

  • Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD): You may be wondering what a COAD is. COAD means Community Organizations Active in Disaster. It is a national model that combines community organizations under four principles: Communication, Cooperation, Coordination, and Collaboration. See this website to learn about Portland's COAD. (There is also information about their Neighborhood Emergency Teams.)

  • Abundant Community Edmonton (ACE): ACE’s website has multiple resources, including workshops, implementing the ACE framework, Connected Neighbors Community Cards, Resource Guides, and recommended literature.

  • Neighborhood by Emily Talen: Talen provides a multi-dimensional, comprehensive view of what neighborhoods signify, how they're idealized and measured, and their historical progression. Talen balances perspectives from sociology, urban history, urban planning, and sustainability to make neighborhoods compatible with 21st-century ideals. If neighborhoods play a role in the city's future, we need to know what and where they are in a more meaningful way. Neighborhoods need to be more than a label and more than a social segregator. Can the neighborhood become more than a shaded area on a map for those living in the undefined expanse of contemporary urbanism - which characterizes most American cities?

  • Building Communities from the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community's Assets by John P. Kretzmann: This guide summarizes lessons learned by studying successful community-building initiatives in hundreds of neighborhoods across the U.S. It outlines what local communities can do to start their journeys down the path of asset-based development.

  • The Connected Community by Cormac Russell & John McKnight: Cormac Russell is a veteran practitioner of asset-based community development (ABCD), focusing on uncovering and leveraging the hidden resources, skills, and experience in our neighborhoods. He and John McKnight, the coordinator of ABCD, show how anyone can discover this untapped potential and connect with his or her neighbors to create healthier, safer, greener, more prosperous, and welcoming communities. They offer many illustrative examples from worldwide that inspire you to explore your community and discover its hidden treasures.

  • The Empowered Communities Program: The ECP offers communities a bottom-up planning and implementation process that puts community leadership in charge of creating their resilience strategy from the very beginning; as a result, it increases the likelihood of sustained participation by key local stakeholders at the neighborhood level. Rooted in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)’s “Whole Community Approach” to emergency management, the ECP guides communities as they work together to make informed decisions about investing in their neighborhood’s physical and social infrastructure so that during times of stress, stakeholders can actively.

  • Self-Healing Communities: The Self-Healing Community Model, Washington, developed strong networks promoting greater collaboration across sectors. They empowered local leadership and nurtured sector leaders to think about whole systems, not just their part of a system. They also used data to decide how and where to focus efforts and to learn from what was working. They made visible changes that helped to instill a real sense of hope in communities that had given up on the prospect of a better world for their children.

  • Assuring Healthy Populations During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Recognizing Women's Contributions in Addressing Syndemic Interactions by Rosemary Caron & Semra Aytur (2022): A syndemic framework examines disease interactions and the contributions of structural, social, economic, and environmental factors that synergistically interact to contribute to adverse health outcomes… The purpose of this perspective is to: (1) examine the relationship between the syndemic model and the SDoH-exposome; (2) highlight, via specific examples, the contributions of female health professionals to SDoH and the COVID-19 syndemic in response to the Women in Science Research Topic, and (3) propose health policy to address syndemic-exposome interactions to help mitigate or prevent public health challenges. Investing in policies that assure health for all populations could pay dividends in the form of a less severe syndemic next time since we are starting from a place of health and not disease. Lastly, due to the magnification of underlying societal inequities laid bare during the COVID-19 syndemic, we support expanding the disease-focused syndemic model to include societal syndemics, such as systemic racism.


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