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Partner in Action Toward Recovery and Resilience 

As complex challenges require solutions that transcend individual efforts, collaboration is the cornerstone of building a future where everyone thrives. By forging partnerships, we can harness the power of diverse perspectives and expertise, unlock a wealth of resources, and support coordinated action towards specific goals, such as building resilient communities and promoting collective well-being.


By incorporating multiple viewpoints in building and sustaining trauma-informed communities and systems of care, we collectively gain a deeper understanding of complex problems, leading to more effective and sustainable solutions, as well as greater individual and collective resiliency to withstand future challenges.


Additionally, by pooling strengths and resources, as well as by building trust and mutual understanding, we stand equipped to address challenges with greater efficiency and scale, extending the reach of trauma-informed change and amplifying the associated positive impacts and outcomes.

It is critical that all cross-sector, cross-system action that takes place is taken in partnership with people with lived experience of trauma and adversity. Authentic co-creation demands that all people who are actively involved feel a sense of ownership over the solutions proposed, which makes it of great importance to ensure that opportunities to participate are accessible, equitable, and meaningful rather than tokenistic or only in relation to minor concerns. 


Through collaborative, coordinated efforts, the feelings of commitment and inclusion among all who are invested in and/or impacted by trauma-informed transformation create a higher likelihood that change initiatives will be successful and sustained over time. There is also a continuous education process that emerges through collaboration, where learning from each other and disseminating knowledge across diverse contexts allows all involved to continually improve and build upon efforts underway.


Collaboration is not simply a means to an end; it is the foundation for a more just, equitable, and resilient society. By working together, we can create a future anchored in strength, shared purpose, and action to ensure everyone has access to the resources and support they need to heal, thrive, and reach their full potential.


This dimension of the vision calls for us to:

  • Create and fund grant programs to fund community-based coalitions and groups that collaborate with and help coordinate community members and others who are invested in and impacted by change in action to address and prevent trauma and build resilience

  • Create and implement shared decision-making frameworks, structures, and processes to ensure that all people and groups who are invested in and impacted by change efforts have a meaningful voice in decision-making

  • Write language into legislation that requires the involvement of people with lived experience of trauma and adversity on any and all committees, task forces, working groups, and other entities convened to implement change within the state, system, sector, or community

    • Require the ongoing active involvement of individuals and communities with lived experience of trauma and adversity to strengthen programmatic coordination and policy alignment with their needs and goals 

  • Devise systems to support the secure sharing of information between partners with informed consent from people utilizing services and supports to reduce re-traumatization associated with re-telling one’s story to multiple different entities to get support, obtain benefits, access services, and other such activities

    • Implement safeguards to ensure privacy and confidentiality of personally identifiable information is protected

    • Develop transparent communication channels and ensure regular updates are provided to all people and groups who are invested in and impacted by change

  • Facilitate partnerships between healthcare, education, law enforcement, social services, and other sectors to create seamless care pathways and provide integrated trauma-informed services

  • Provide funding and resources to facilitate cross-sector, cross-system partnerships and develop collaborative infrastructure, such as shared data systems and communication platforms 

  • Increase access to meaningful civic participation and engagement

    • Create and fund community-based initiatives that foster a sense of reciprocity and a sentiment of collective responsibility for well-being, and encourage community members to support each other in healing and recovery

  • Fund and implement collaborative cross-sector training programs to educate all community members and professionals—not just those who hold direct support roles—about trauma, trauma-informed approaches, and related concepts

    • Incentivize participation by attaching grant funding or other benefits to implementing a trauma-informed approach for both private and public organizations and entities 

  • Implement collaborative evaluation processes that are community-driven and measure progress towards desired outcomes

    • Ensure data is collected, stored, and shared ethically and securely, with clear informed consent processes in place

  • Fund long-term investments to support ongoing collaborative efforts and initiatives, thus supporting sustainable practices toward building resilience and supporting positive change

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